Wednesday, July 29, 2009

The Notebook<3

If you're someone who enjoys romance, love && all that lovey dovey cheesy stuff, the Notebook is thee perfect movie(: I also hear the book is amazing, so I'm hoping to buy it soon. Anyways, it's pretty much the love story any girl could ever dream of. This is probably the first movie that got me hooked on these kind of chick flicks, like A Walk to Remember. It's wierd, but whatever. I'm only human lol. Not only is it a nice movie, but there's one particular detail I absolutely la la looooove. James Marsden baby! ---->
He's the reason why watched the X-men movies, Enchanted, Hairspray && 27 Dresses (one of my current favorite movies btw). Well anyways, I don't know why but this movie made emotional haha. I mean to be honest, I hardly ever cry watching movies. The last movie that had made me cry was some Disney movie years ago, which I believe was the Lion King. I just don't know why, but something about the love between Allie && Noah && how it kept them together after all those years "got something in my eye". haha. It's a really great movie && one my favorites. I highly recommend it<3

1 comment:

  1. the book is waaaaaaaaaaaay
    better than the movie trust me!!!!!!! lol
    n who blogs bout the notebook? haha jk
